Grins & Pickin's
Where you make fun happen!
We are growing fruit trees, several types of berries & perennial vegetables. Some won't be ready to harvest for a couple of years. We also grow annual vegetables & flowers in the growing season.
Butterfly Maze
Many plantings are in the maze field for bee pollination, bird housing & butterfly habitat with special focus on attracting the monarch. The paths mingle with plants such as milkweed & butterfly weed.

Grins Family Nature Club
Join us on Saturday mornings from 10 until noon for a mix of arts and crafts, see what's growing in the learning garden, explore the woods, play in the creek, go fishing & play outdoor games.

Hiking & Creeking
Several hiking trails will lead you to the creek & through 10 acres of woods. There is a nice variety of trees, beautiful spring wildflowers, vernal pools & plentiful wildlife that make the woods their home.

Prairie Garden Paths
Take a stroll thru the paths of native prairie plants to see goldenrod, aster, daisies, thistle, clovers, ironweed, milkweed and more.
Bluegill Fishing
The pond is stocked with bluegill. The fish are still growing so it is catch and release for the time being. Free fishing instruction is available for small groups. Please contact to coordinate day and time.

Little Free Library
Charter #34583
General Store
Firewood, ice, camping & picnic supplies, fresh eggs & seasonal produce